Lighting in EEVEE
I am a senior concept artist that uses Blender for personal and professional projects and while I do use both EEVEE and Cycles, my preferred render engine is EEVEE due to the real time viewport rendering. It offers amazing quality for the speed with less of the technical rabbit hole you can fall into with Cycles.
This is a creative guide to lighting in EEVEE and how I get the most out of the render engine. A basic to intermediate level of understanding around Blender & EEVEE is necessary as this is not a complete beginner or technical guide. Most of the tips in here I learned from the Blender community and I wanted to condense the most applicable tips down into a PDF format that would be specific to concept artist or artist in general.
I'll most likely do another update to this when EEVEE NEXT arrives along with Blender's new color management overhaul we see in 4.0
Thanks and I hope you learn something :)